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Automated gastrointestinal abnormalities detection from endoscopic images

IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), September 12, 2021

This paper is about the application of transfer learning applied to a specific medical diagnostics problem, that of abnormality detection in the gastrointestinal tract of a human body using images obtained during endoscopy.

Recommended citation: P. Gowtham, M. Niranjan and A. Kaneswaran, "Automated gastrointestinal abnormalities detection from endoscopic images," 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 191-196, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS53135.2021.9660670.
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A multi-modal approach for identifying schizophrenia using cross-modal attention

46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 17, 2024

This paper is about the use of a multi-modal approach involving audio,video, and text of human speech to identify schizophrenia in subjects.

Recommended citation: G. Premananth, Y. M. Siriwardena, P. Resnik, and C. Espy-Wilson, ‘A multi-modal approach for identifying schizophrenia using cross-modal attention’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2309. 15136, 2023.
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A Multimodal Framework for the Assessment of the Schizophrenia Spectrum

Interspeech, September 05, 2024

This paper is about the use of a multi-modal approach involving audio,video, and text of human speech to identify different symptom categories of schizophrenia spectrum.

Recommended citation: Premananth, G., Siriwardena, Y.M., Resnik, P., Bansal, S., L.Kelly, D., Espy-Wilson, C. (2024) A Multimodal Framework for the Assessment of the Schizophrenia Spectrum. Proc. Interspeech 2024, 1470-1474, doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2224
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Speech-Based Estimation of Schizophrenia Severity Using Feature Fusion

Accepted for presentation at SPADE workshop in ICASSP 2025, December 18, 2024

This paper is about the use of a feature fusion of articulatory and acoustic features for schizophrenia severoty estimation.

Recommended citation: G. Premananth and C. Espy-Wilson, ‘Speech-Based Estimation of Schizophrenia Severity Using Feature Fusion’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.06033, 2024.
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Self-supervised Multimodal Speech Representations for the Assessment of Schizophrenia Symptoms

Accepted for presentation at ICASSP 2025, December 21, 2024

This paper is about the use of a self- supervised multi-modal approach involving audio, and video human speech to estimate the severity of Schizophrenia symptoms.

Recommended citation: G. Premananth and C. Espy-Wilson, ‘Self-supervised Multimodal Speech Representations for the Assessment of Schizophrenia Symptoms’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2409. 09733, 2024.
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Lightning talk


Gave a Lightning talk on my publication “A Multimodal Framework for the Assessment of the Schizophrenia Spectrum” in the special session on Speech and language in health: from remote monitoring to medical conversations at Interspeech 2024.

Invited talk


Talk on “Speech Inversion system and the assessment of mental health disorders” in the Computational audition class at University of Maryland College Park, MD


Instructor for undergraduate courses in Computer Engineering

Undergraduate courses, Depratment of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka., 2021

Conducted Laboratory sessions and tutorial sessions for their undergraduate courses such as Data Structures and Algorithms, Data mining, Machine Learning and Advanced Computer and Data Networks

Lecturer for undergraduate courses in Computer Engineering

Undergraduate courses, Depratment of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka., 2022

Conducted Lectures and evaluated students for their undergraduate courses such as Data Structures and Algorithms, Data mining, and Advanced Computer and Data Networks